The blower haholo-holo e entsoe ka likarolo tse tšeletseng tse latelang: enjene, sefe ea moea, 'mele oa moea, kamore ea moea, setsi (le tanka ea mafura), nozzle ea marotholi. The blower itšetlehile ka tshebetso eccentric ea leeme rotor ka silindara, 'me bophahamo ba modumo phetoho pakeng tsa di-blades ka rotor sekotjana tla anya ka hare, compress le mathe moea. Ts'ebetsong, phapang ea khatello ea sefofane e sebelisetsoa ho romela lubrication ho nozzle ea marotholi, ho rothela ka har'a silinda ho fokotsa likhohlano le lerata, ha ho boloka khase ka cylinder ha e khutlele, li-blower tse joalo li boetse li bitsoa slip-vane blowers.